If you're not going to be paying for support from Citrix, I highly recommend using XCP-ng instead.
Best posts made by bnrstnr
RE: Bootable Hardware Detection Tool:
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
I just got done talking to Amazon about a 512GB Samsung 960 PRO SSD I bought that was clearly tampered with. I plugged it in and it already had Windows installed on it... ok, weird... Go to format, see that it's only a 256GB. Unplug it and examine closer, it's pretty obvious the guy took the Samsung stickers off and placed them on a 256GB Hynix SSD, then returned that for a refund.
Anyway, I plug it back in and start snooping, he has loads of homework on there with his name all over it, address in documents, etc... Bonus is that Amazon said I could keep this one and they're sending a new one next day.
RE: Nextcloud large file upload issues
Found it..... :man_facepalming_light_skin_tone:
First line in my Nginx conf file
client_max_body_size 40M;
Changed it to my max settings for NC and it's working now.
RE: Fitness and Weightloss
Broke 230 lbs this morning. Feeling awesome, but I know I have a lot more work to do. I've had a couple bad days in there as you can see lol
RE: I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours, Home Labs
Moved all my stuff very rapidly to the new homemade rack in the crawlspace with my wife hassling me the whole time; apparently our kids bedtime is more important than server stuff... who knew? Eventually I'll make it back down and hook up the rest of my ethernet runs and do some much nicer cable management. Everything, sans DL360 and switch, used to be in this tiny little cubby under my fireplace (that has never been used in the 6 years that we've been living here)
Currently running XS7.3 (can't wait for XCP-ng). I wanted to go with KVM on Fedora for the hypervisor but I have a toddler and infant that pretty much consume all of my home time, so I went with what I know for now.
HP DL360 G7 (8x 146GB RAID10, 2x E5649, 24GB RAM)
Synology DS213j (2x4TB)
Dell 2824 Switch, hand me down from work
Ubiquiti ERX
Philips Hue Bridge
Zoom Cable Modem
Eaton 5S550 UPS (shows ~48 Min battery life with everything you see connected)
Not Shown: (1) UAP-AC-LRhttps://i.imgur.com/r56hHlW.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/6xvc9n1.png -
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Upgraded my home computer a little this weekend. Amazing difference. I went from an i5-2500K, to a Ryzen 5 3600. I kept my old GTX 570 for now and the difference in gaming is still VERY noticeable. New mobo, proc, and 16GB ram was like $368.
RE: Extra Life 2019 - Partners + Napier
This would be a great excuse to trick my wife into letting me play games for 24 hours straight on a weekend :shushing_face:
Seriously though, GL HF
RE: Buying used server from another IT guy... Not sure what to look for
I'm pretty sure the SAS6iR has a max drive size of 2TB, so that should be a consideration depending on what drives you want/have.
I would personally go to www.servermonkey.com and get an R510 or R710 exactly the way you want it. $400-500 seems a LOT for a server that doesn't have exactly what you want/need.
RE: I can't even
We use LogMeIn to remotely support our equipment installed in our customer's facilities. We've been having problems with intermittent connections on this new machine we installed and we've been going back and forth with their IT guy for a couple months about it. Today he decided he was going to prove us wrong once and for all that his network is perfect and there is definitely no problems on his side... so he called us and said that he watched a youtube video for 10 minutes straight on the computer and didn't have a single problem, so it must be our software.....
Latest posts made by bnrstnr
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@bnrstnr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
No room to do that here. Just look at the map of keystone, correspond that with Buffett's railway line, add that to the realization that some of the oil will only go by rail and some will not leave Canada. In Canada it will likely travel by rail up north. Now hop over to gurufocus.com, look up the investors to find the companies they own.
This sounds like a theory to me... but may actually be facts. I'm unsure at this point because you are so unbiased and factual that my brain doesn't know how to proceed. I will consult Q, please hold.
Just so we are on the same page at this moment.
Three facts I thought we were disputing:
- Keystone Pipeline XL Permit cancellation - Fact is, jobs were lost.
- My comment you posted from yesterday about Impeachment. - Fact, Impeachment is a charge only (aka Indictment). No trial, no one has been proven guilty, nothing other than a piece of paper the House drew up with charges on it.
- Comment of Pipeline "Causing an insane amount of environmental harm is an unknown but possible." It is fact that the pipeline XL is not built.
If any of those are not facts please explain.
As for the money flow, that is theory and never stated that as a fact. Highly probable though and investors are linking it too.
Facts are just so difficult, man. Maybe I think it's a fact that the Earth is roundish, your facts might say it's flat, so whose facts are actual facts? I can't believe I'm biting... again... but here goes
The vast majority of pipeline jobs are temporary. Thousands more jobs may disappear the minute the pipeline is done; the construction jobs, the supply chain jobs AND people that have been transporting the oil thus far. If the pipeline didn't streamline the process they wouldn't do it to begin with. So facts? Meh. I don't believe you have real supporting evidence to show that even 100 jobs were lost as of this minute. For all we know a thousand lawyers just got hired to fight the order...
Impeachment is just charges, which no one was arguing, but "nothing else?" Meh. I disagree. I think there's more to it than that. Tangible things? Maybe not. It's still on Trumps record for being the best, most greatest, highest impeached, ever, in the history of ever... But yeah, if the mob owns the jury, charges mean nothing. I'll concede this one. Kudos.
Define environmental harm. Maybe global warming isn't real. Or maybe bulldozers through sacred land doesn't count. If you do an image search for "Keystone XL Construction" one might construe that as "insane environmental harm" and that's not even considering all the potential things that may, or may not, go wrong once it's functional. So facts? Meh.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
No room to do that here. Just look at the map of keystone, correspond that with Buffett's railway line, add that to the realization that some of the oil will only go by rail and some will not leave Canada. In Canada it will likely travel by rail up north. Now hop over to gurufocus.com, look up the investors to find the companies they own.
This sounds like a theory to me... but may actually be facts. I'm unsure at this point because you are so unbiased and factual that my brain doesn't know how to proceed. I will consult Q, please hold.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@bnrstnr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@bnrstnr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@DustinB3403 said in Non-IT News Thread:
The Keystone pipeline also cut through national parks, causing an insane amount of environmental harm.
It will cut through parks, yes. Causing an insane amount of environmental harm is an unknown but possible.
Still nice that Buffett and Gates will get more money in their pocket while 1000's have less.
So Gates/Buffet win instead of somebody else? It's a wash.
Sounds like thousands truckers will be keeping their jobs now :man_shrugging: You must be in oil pipeline IT to be so torn up over this.
Nope. I'm in medical. There are a bunch of workers at many pipe manufacturers in the country. Truckers would still have their jobs, just delivering different materials.
Ok, so why are you pretending to care about them? Just needed something to be outraged about?
I'm not outraged at all. I'm just pointing out a fact.
Ah yeah, you're big on facts. I almost forgot. You certainly pinned down every aspect of the oil industry and thoroughly detailed every consequence of the executive order for us. I should be thanking you! Take your trolling over to 8kun
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@bnrstnr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@DustinB3403 said in Non-IT News Thread:
The Keystone pipeline also cut through national parks, causing an insane amount of environmental harm.
It will cut through parks, yes. Causing an insane amount of environmental harm is an unknown but possible.
Still nice that Buffett and Gates will get more money in their pocket while 1000's have less.
So Gates/Buffet win instead of somebody else? It's a wash.
Sounds like thousands truckers will be keeping their jobs now :man_shrugging: You must be in oil pipeline IT to be so torn up over this.
Nope. I'm in medical. There are a bunch of workers at many pipe manufacturers in the country. Truckers would still have their jobs, just delivering different materials.
Ok, so why are you pretending to care about them? Just needed something to be outraged about?
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
Causing an insane amount of environmental harm is an unknown but possible.
This genius comment is on par with one of your comments from yesterday:
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
Just charges and nothing else.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@DustinB3403 said in Non-IT News Thread:
The Keystone pipeline also cut through national parks, causing an insane amount of environmental harm.
It will cut through parks, yes. Causing an insane amount of environmental harm is an unknown but possible.
Still nice that Buffett and Gates will get more money in their pocket while 1000's have less.
So Gates/Buffet win instead of somebody else? It's a wash.
Sounds like thousands truckers will be keeping their jobs now :man_shrugging: You must be in oil pipeline IT to be so torn up over this.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
@mlnews said in Non-IT News Thread:
Biden to sign 10 executive orders to tackle Covid-19
President Joe Biden is set to sign 10 executive orders to boost the fight against Covid which has ravaged the US.
Vaccination will be accelerated and testing increased. Emergency legislation will be used to increase production of essentials like masks. In a break with former President Donald Trump, the policy stresses a national strategy rather than relying on states to decide what is best. The moves comes a day after Mr Biden was sworn in as the 46th president. The Trump administration was widely accused of failing to get to grips with the pandemic. In terms of total deaths from coronavirus, the US is the worst-hit country with more than 406,000 lives lost according to Johns Hopkins University. Nearly 24.5 million have been infected.Biden did some good work so far. Made his buddies Buffett and Gates richer while taking away some good paying middle-class jobs. Excellent start I say... Can't wait for what's to come...
Please elaborate...@pmoncho said in Non-IT News Thread:
Grabbing my
Nevermind. You're clearly trolling.
RE: Miscellaneous Tech News
@Dashrender said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
@bnrstnr said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
I did read another article that says it's possible to use a home phone to register it... so maybe that's still a viable solution?
It's not when the whole goal is privacy! The fact that they ever used phone numbers just makes you wonder what the makers were thinking when they claimed privacy first - yet you have to have this absolutely tied to you thing (Well, perhaps they were Americans and we can still get burners without showing ID, etc - but much of the rest of the world can not), but really, what good is a burner in this case - it's still going to be attached to YOU. You can't give up the number tomorrow to someone else and still have access to your Signal account.
RE: Miscellaneous Tech News
@Dashrender said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
Did you read the article?
No, I skimmed it and thought I saw an answer
Sucks that you need a phone number to register it.
I did read another article that says it's possible to use a home phone to register it... so maybe that's still a viable solution?