Just get a bigger truck! Bigger is better.
Just get a bigger truck! Bigger is better.
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
Sometimes technically erks me!
Technology is great...when it works. I feel like we need to append "as intended for proper use" to that phrase...
Yeah, for proper use. Or caution, may be deemed unworthy of working properly.
Finally nice weather, think I may go do some target practice. Haven't really got to shoot a lot this winter. Maybe even look for a new Trap gun.
Hardware as in yes a screwdriver. I'm mainly workstation, software, building sites, telling people (mainly) my co-worker, how to use Excel and Word.
Trying to get enough strength to shower and go to bed. Just got home from the hospital after being there all day. And it's 10:30pm now.
Resume reconstruction in process now. Never good at putting myself on paper. Have to have someone look over it first before I turn it in. <fingers crossed>
I'm in central KY, I have a computer tech degree. It's not an IT degree per say but I am good with them and learn fast.
Thanks for the welcome back
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
Trying to get enough strength to shower and go to bed. Just got home from the hospital after being there all day. And it's 10:30pm now.
Obviously if you were in a hospital all day, everything's not alright. Hope things improve for whoever it was that's there!
Thanks, been a rough day. My mom has cancer and they were doing surgery today to remove it.
Oh wow...
Should have taken a few more days off work. She should be coming home tomorrow.
My prayers go out to you and your family.
Thank you, now if I can turn my brain off and rest.
I need more space for my movies & all the music I download....I have an obsession with music, all kinds..... hopefully getting C@C soon.
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
That's what I used to do.
Give me some Lincoln Logs and I'll build an awesome log home!
Dolly Parton right now. YouTube playlist.
Wow! Thanks Scott! That's great info. I've been doing all the research I can and "studying" I'm ready to go all out.
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
I'm old school when it comes to video games, give me anything Mario on original Nintendo or Super Nintendo. The new games not so much.
This is her 3rd time with breast cancer. 4 years clear then it came back, mastectomy then. This time she was 13 year's and a completely different kind of cancer. My mom is a tough tough woman. We lost my father 12 years ago. This family is full of fighter's, and im no different.
@nadnerB said:
@BMarie, when people are waffling on about RAID arrays and you have no idea what they are talking about, here is a pictorial guide that I found a few years ago.
You probably won't need to know about this from day one but you might like it for reference later on.
I like it
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
Where is this company and how can I apply
That's actually pretty cool, but a bit scary to......Paranoia kicking in