Check out this email bit from SpiceWorld 2017 to me!! Marketing maybe!?!
It's been a wild ride, sent you a few of my cleverest emails, a few reach-outs on the old telephone but to no avail.
It's ok, like any good party guest I know when I've overstayed my welcome.
I'm out, this is it, after this there's no more of me. See you on the flip side.
Highfive could have cut out all of your noise with our Dolby Voice Stack, made your dongles as outdated as jean shorts, and reduced your overall conferencing cost by 80%.
If you've been on a deserted island this whole time AND you are just getting back to reality AND you really want to talk AND you really just haven't received my messages THEN let's make up and get together.
Schedule time to chat about Highfive or just hit reply :)