@jmoore said in Phone system:
@bigbear Yeah I was thinking it would probably save a lot of money for us to not use a hosted solution. The phone lady says we pay around 20k a year for our legacy cisco system. Even a cloud setup like Eddie does should be doable for us.
Thanks for the info about SwitchVox. Someone else told me that their demo doesnt usually reflect what they are selling. As in, you have to buy a lot more to get what the demo shows. So who knows. I was asked to help again as they did not make a decision last time either.
I would expect $4,000 price tag for a small business with 10 people, plus the phones... so not sure how they would approach a school system but certainly would be a waste of money.
And I agree a paid hosted solution for a school system would likely be a waste of money mostly because of the per-extension pricing.
FreePBX is a PITA to update IMO, I would get a guy like @JaredBusch on retainer to handle it monthly whether on premise or in the cloud. Even in the cloud I bet a school would have very little traffic. You would be in control but its handy to have someone who can jump in with a quick fix where you might spend days trying to figure something out.