I've been wondering about others' preferences on a few things. The landscape of operating systems and databases has changed a bit in the last few years. Not curious about Windows or MSSQL, nothing new there.
Server OS: I've bounched back and forth with CentOS before Stream (the split between 6 and 7 was weird), Ubuntu Server (seems to get a lot of hate, no idea why), Fedora Server (also seems to get some hate, not sure why), RHEL (only when the customer absolutely requires the support and can't convince them otherwise), Debian (not used a ton, not sure why, pretty barebones)
NoSQL DB: MongoDB went through a really shady legal bit when they were doing their as-a-service initially, which basically spelled out they own your IP if you use their DB with your app, haven't checked back to see if that got cleared up. On-prem I've used CassandraDB and MongoDB mainly, and started looking into ScyllaDB more recently.
Relational DB: Defaulted to MySQL until some devs spun off concerned with the Oracle acquisition and started defaulting to MariaDB, mainly see PostgreSQL in larger deployments but don't know much difference to go with one over the other than what a vendor leans toward.
What are some of your go-tos these days? Why?