- Outages were not made up .
- CloudPro was a response to the outage. there was no "forcing" customers to switch, it was completely voluntary.
- to reimage - delete the server and create new

Posts made by AmanBhogal
RE: CloudatCost VMs Useless
RE: Pwn9 Drops CloudatCost
Cloudatcost is still growing. unfortunately we have been having quite a few growing pains recently. We are learning from these outages and making sure we implement the solutions needed to keep growing.
RE: CloudatCon aka CloudatCost
There is currently a big backlog for building servers, This is directly related to providing the Cloud Pro product for free as a response to our service outage. The backlog is expected to be caught up in 3 hours.
RE: CloudPro
Hey everybody,
There is currently a big backlog for building servers, This is directly related to providing the Cloud Pro product for free as a response to our service outage. The backlog is expected to be caught up in 3 hours.
RE: CloudatCost and Fibernetics April to May Outage
Hey everybody,
In the past 24 hours we have experienced multiple fiber splices which have caused a lot of downtime at our data center.
As many of you have mentioned, we are not completely offline and there are servers still online during this outage.
The most recent update I received from Rogers outlines that techs have been dispatched and that the issue has been escalated to management at Rogers.
The crew is currently trying to resolve the issue but Rogers has not provided an ETR.
I will do my best to keep everybody posted on a regular basis.
RE: CloudatCost Connection Slow
Hey AJ, I sent an email to the tech team to get them to look into this. They should be working on your ticket any minute now.
RE: Why does CloudatCost charge in US currency for a Candian Company?
Hey Guys!
Thanks for all your patience. I have been really busy and unfortunately have not had the time to log in to MangoLassi in a little while. As you all know, I love being a part of this community and now that things have settled down a little bit for me, I will be back in here actively answering any questions you may have.
The question about the currency is a great one and one that we get asked many times. There are a few factors which impacted our decision:
The US Dollar is seen as an international currency (more so than the Canadian Dollar). This means that as people are looking for our product around the world, It is easy for them to convert. Our Datacenter is in Canada, but we have a lot of customers from other countries. US is our major market, and majority of our sales come from the US market.
Easier to compare products. When comparing our servers with others, you will find that a lot will have US pricing, even if they offer datacenters around the world. If you were to compare our server to theirs and ours was 30% more expensive at a quick glance (because the conversion rate wasn't factored in), we would be seen as not competitive.
in short, because majority of our business is done in USD and to provide ease in competitive pricing, the USD currency is most efficient for everybody to use.
RE: CloudatCost Issues
Not at all about filterning through the PR team. matter of fact, I kinda am the PR team.
It's more of making sure we make the right decisions and make the right steps to move forward.
RE: CloudatCost Issues
being transparent is what I am about. We are looking into the issues and are going to have a full release shortly.
I have all intentions to remain an active user of the community and we will continue to support ML however we can.
RE: CloudatCost Issues
I will get you answers! just give me a couple of days -
RE: CloudatCost Issues
Hey guys!
As you already know (obviously). We had massive panel issues today. Our datacenter had another unexpected issue today. We had a hardware failure which affected our panel login. We replaced the faulty hardware as soon as we could and are now back up online and running. we are currently working through support tickets.
The panel issue and the network outage issue will be addressed in a formal release in the upcoming days.
as a smaller cloud server company looking to grow these issues have really hurt us. as before, we are determined to get back up.
we are here and are taking all the feedback we can. we will continue to listen to you all and over time will grow. We look forward to EARNING your support.
CloudatCost Q&A session
Hey Everybody!
Over the past few weeks I'm sure you have all heard a lot about cloudatcost.
MangoLassi has been super awesome and has welcomed CloudatCost into the forum with open arms . And because of this, we want to show our appreciation back to you and listen to what you guys have to say, questions you may have for us, or even just tell us how awesome we are, or crazy we are for having such low prices. (I have actually had a few messages from people in ML asking how we are able to offer such low costs).
I am looking to gauge interest in doing something like this. I believe in transparency, and I want cloudatcost to be the GO TO cloud server provider because of all the awesome things we do and how well we work with our end users.
The Plan:
I am looking to set up a conference call (I will provide a toll free number so it costs you $0) for anybody to join. During this call, we will have the rpesident of CaC on the line, senior members of our tech team, and members of our marketing team.Is this something ML users would like us to organize? it would be exclusive for ML users only!
To show your interest, upvote this post. If we have enough interest, we will do this!
RE: CloudatCost Issues
Better! that was me not choosing my words correctly -
RE: CloudatCost Issues
Hey guys!!
I just spoke with the team. We have some hardware upgrades happening this week that will likely increase any IO issues you may be having. in short, we have just ordered a ton of hardware to be able to provide better service and keep everybody happyedit: I selected my words poorly. i said increase IO issues, when in reality I meant that it will help resolve issues
RE: CloudatCost 60% coupon & BIg Dog Server Giveaway + 5 Dev servers
Clodatcost Minecraft Server for ML? Let's do it!
I spoke with Aaron and he will be heading the minecraft server.. I provided him the information.
Keep in mind, we are still refining our Minecraft offering. but this is an awesome way to learn how we can do better!
Play On! -
RE: CloudatCost 60% coupon & BIg Dog Server Giveaway + 5 Dev servers
Why wait a few months? let's do it sooner!
I will plan something out and maybe we can do something in April.... a monthly draw for Dev servers? Who's in! -
RE: CloudatCost 60% coupon & BIg Dog Server Giveaway + 5 Dev servers
Not a problem!
This was fun, we will do it again soon -
RE: CloudatCost 60% coupon & BIg Dog Server Giveaway + 5 Dev servers
Hey Guys!
Thanks to everybody for entering the draw. This was super awesome and we will do this again on a regular basis.
The winners of the servers are as follows:
Dev 1 Servers:
LanceAnd the grand prize of a Big Dog 1
Please welcome me in congratulating the winners. If you are a winner, please send me a chat message and I will reply back to you today with a coupon code to redeem your servers.
Thanks everybody for participating!
RE: CloudatCost 60% coupon & BIg Dog Server Giveaway + 5 Dev servers
Hey Guys!
25 minutes to get your entries in. We will be doing the draw shortly after 5pm and will notify winners tomorrow morning