Controversial posts made by Alex Jones
RE: Vultr just released Object Storage
Here is a better explanation then I gave... this is why I shouldn’t sniff glue while posting...
RE: VitalPBX - exts can't call each other
@Dashrender I missed a phone number.
RE: Carless in Dallas
Anyone know where I can find a carpet cleaner in Dallas?
RE: Apple locking down iPhone batteries
@JaredBusch said in Apple locking down iPhone batteries:
Just fucking stop. Almost zero things that have come out of your account today have been in anyway intelligent or helpful.
If you want to spew random shit on the forum, we have a thread for that.
But keep it out of actual threads where people want to actually have a conversation.
Grow the fuck up.Someone has an anger problem...
RE: Backup strategy for customer data?
@scottalanmiller said in Backup strategy for customer data?:
@Alex-Jones said in Backup strategy for customer data?:
@scottalanmiller said in Backup strategy for customer data?:
Why Tape?
Low cost, highly reliable, easily physically air gapped.
RE: Managing spam posting
It’s funny that you need reputation to up/down vote a post, but anyone can post anything they want as a newly registered used
RE: My Misadventures with Cloud At Cost
@scottalanmiller said in My Misadventures with Cloud At Cost:
I always recommend CloudFlare, it's the best DNS host I have found.
I am more of a ClouDNS + BunnyCDN fan
RE: Managing spam posting
@Obsolesce said in Managing spam posting:
Ya there's lots to be done, but the owners haven't been taking it seriously it seems.
:backhand_index_pointing_up: :thumbs_up:
RE: Managing spam posting
@marcinozga said in Managing spam posting:
It doesn't matter what the solution is, spammers will find a way around that. The only way to stop spam is to force them to spend money.
RE: Managing spam posting
Maybe start with the tools that the platform provides?
RE: Managing spam posting
There is so many ways to handle this - I am surprised it hasn't been addressed yet...
RE: My Dell R720xd just shipped! :)
@larsen161 said in My Dell R720xd just shipped!
I just got the invoice...they sent the wrong specs, cpu, ram, drives all wrong
Sorry Mate
RE: Disposal of old Nortel/Avaya telecom equipment ...
I'll give you a quarter
RE: MySQL MariaDB password reset without knowing the password
Did you get it reset?