Anyone use change management/tracking?
One way is through a DevOps management system like Chef or Ansible and all changes checked in via GIT or something similar.
I would like to have such system in place for us, not just for the server task, everything that comes under our team, so that could be a hardware change or a software. Emails doesn't really help. A central place where team members can login and enter details that gets added with the time stamp and searchable later on. This is what i can think of for now
maybe this could have more.
Some helpdesks have a project/change management module built in for exactly this reason.
This is one example, I quite like the Freshdesk/FreshService as a package.
@Breffni-Potter said:
Some helpdesks have a project/change management module built in for exactly this reason.
This is one example, I quite like the Freshdesk/FreshService as a package.
Looks nice, wish we could get something like this in house!
I think Manage Engine gives you a self hosted version of their software for free which has a change management module.
I am trying to install Manage Engine on a centos 6.7 64 bit and all i get is:
./ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin -console
InstallShield WizardInitializing InstallShield Wizard...
Searching for Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
..............[~/public_html]#Seems like few users have same issue but no where it says what could be the fix. One ME forum one post says there are no pre requisite and java comes within the package. Anyone installed it before on Linux?
I did, but long ago.
After it has done that, is java installed?
# java -version
Doesnt seems like the installer even start the java setup.
#java -version
bash: java: command not found -
Even if i want to install Java, not sure which version i need to install!
Ok tried on another centos this time version 7 and installation finished without any issues
@Ambarishrh said:
Even if i want to install Java, not sure which version i need to install!
I always install the latest. It's very rare that that isn't the right answer. That or I use the one that is part of the OS. Only two choices that I normally use. You don't want a specifically unpatched version.
I installed ManageEngine Service desk and found that the change management is an addon, couldn't find that on their site. Emailed their team but no reply!
@Ambarishrh said:
I installed ManageEngine Service desk and found that the change management is an addon, couldn't find that on their site. Emailed their team but no reply!
Zoho seems to be failing a lot, recently.
Oh dear.
Now I need to look for another tool! :S
Anyone used spiceworks for change management? Haven't used SW in a long time, so any tips would be really helpful. If this can be done on SW, i will sign up for the free hosted ticketing option!
I know i mentioned a self hosted one will be ideal choice, but doesn't seems like a simple system available. There are systems which is much much more than change managememnt system or its expensive
@Ambarishrh said:
I installed ManageEngine Service desk and found that the change management is an addon, couldn't find that on their site. Emailed their team but no reply!
You mean this?
@JaredBusch said:
@Ambarishrh said:
I installed ManageEngine Service desk and found that the change management is an addon, couldn't find that on their site. Emailed their team but no reply!
You mean this?
This comes as an addon for free version of Servicedesk