Bunch of videos from the ownCloud conf - some you might find interesting.
I just published another batch of over a dozen ownCloud videos. Some include ownCloud specific topics, others are more generic like a new WebDAV sharing standard in development, JSXC: the JavaScript XMPP Client, and my own presentation on why you're not as smart as you think. I did try to stuff too much in that 6 min talk which didn't work well - if I give the talk again, either in a longer time or in a cut-down version, I'll share again
ownCloud related topics cover Delta Sync, new WebDAV integration plans, our new official VM and much more.
The playlist starts with an awesome keynote by theatre director Angela Richter about her fascinating multi-tech play "Supernerds". If you have not seen it yet, it is AWESOME, go watch it!
Nice, thanks for sharing!