Multiple Domain name for OWA
Hi All,
Can i have multiple domain name for accessing Exchange OWA
Eg : and should point to one exchange server . There should not be any certificate error for both domain names whlie accessing the OWA.
Our plan is to host multiple Email domains for clients, so that clients can access the owa with different domain names without certificate error .
Yes this is possible, but I haven't the faintest idea how.
Just look at O365 - the ultimate in multiple domains for OWA.
Yes you can have multiple domains. But you should check into the licensing on doing that. I don't understand why you would host your clients. Office 365 is setup for partners to administrate on their clients accounts. Very easy and billing then all goes to the client, nothing for you to deal with.
I want to setup my office 365 to receive email for two domains (one just as an alias not separate users). I haven't looked into if it costs more or not.
If you are talking about exchange hosting for people unless you are a big player it's very very costly with little return to do right. Rackspace and Office365 already do this, partner up with them.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I want to setup my office 365 to receive email for two domains (one just as an alias not separate users). I haven't looked into if it costs more or not.
Where would the extra costs be, other than additional domains you have to register and the SSL cert assuming you use one?
Exchange is license per server and user, each user can have as many domains for email as the admin wants to setup.
I agree with Minion Queen and thecreativeone - why are you looking to host this unless you have government requirements that O365 can't provide.
Bottom line is.... "yes you can", that's a standard feature of any email system. Even the most basic.
Why are you looking to host Exchange in this day and age?