Here's What I'd Do with an iPhone 6 (JOKE)
@MattSpeller, you never disappoint sir...
LOL - thanks.. nice!
Some people have so much money they don't know what to do with it. That is a pretty lame way to spend $600. He could of fried a 2003 motorola razr and had the same result.
I am curious where funding for these types of things come from?
I listen to a few podcasts on the TWIT network. Leo LaPorte is always talking about buying every new phone that comes out, along with every other gadget. He spends 10's of thousands or more a year on gadgets (most of which end up in a drawer after a few weeks) - I'm guessing his business (the TWIT network) must be doing pretty well.
@Dashrender said:
I am curious where funding for these types of things come from?
I listen to a few podcasts on the TWIT network. Leo LaPorte is always talking about buying every new phone that comes out, along with every other gadget. He spends 10's of thousands or more a year on gadgets (most of which end up in a drawer after a few weeks) - I'm guessing his business (the TWIT network) must be doing pretty well.
Very well. From advertisers alone they make enough to cover all their expenses and then some, then you add merchandising on top of that. He also invests the majority of his income back into the business from what I understand.
Leo LaPorte wrote an article several years ago about where the money for the network comes from and how they manage it, It was on the TWiT blog at one point.
LOL - I know very well where the money for TWIT comes from - they have ads in the shows. And clearly those fees are doing them VERY well - they recently build a new brickhouse (it's awesome) and I'm sure they dropped $1-200K on the upgrades. Clearly they are doing well from the advertising. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, the 'free' TV stations make millions/billions a year on advertising so it only makes sense that podcasts or anything that uses advertising to create revenue (hell google, angry birds, etc) can do very well at it.
@Dashrender Makes me hungry for that sweet sweet advertising money. If only I was at all telegenic or entertaining.