Hey Siri, Meet Cortana!
Day late and a dollar short. Once again, MS playing catch up.
@Dashrender Pretty much.
@scottalanmiller said:
It was bound to happen. Voice controls are a big part of mobile devices. I still have not enabled Siri though.
I do not use Siri either. It doesn't do much for me...at all.
I use it some and it works ok.... but it took a long time to get it that way.
I am interested to see for myself which is more useful.
@Eric said:
I am interested to see for myself which is more useful.
What kind of a phone are you using? I thought that you were on a Blackberry.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Eric said:
I am interested to see for myself which is more useful.
What kind of a phone are you using? I thought that you were on a Blackberry.
I would feel so bad for him if he was...
I tried out a Windows Phone a couple months back and I don't think their voice command stuff has gotten much better since my old Tilt Windows Mobile device. And I just went back to iPhone after having a Note 3 for 3 weeks...I don't think I use Siri much, but she is WAY better than Samsung or Google Now. Especially handy when in the car with a BT headset.
@ChristopherO Samsung's is stupid. Google's is pretty good. I will agree that it's not as refined as Siri but even iPhone users use Google Maps over Apple Maps. Android has the majority of the market. And how could you give up a Note 3?! You must be crazy...
I have a laundry list of reasons
and yah I go back and forth between Apple and Google maps, not entirely trusting either.
On the Note 3 the last straw was spending the day driving and on site at several locations last Friday. Pandora would just stop playing music. Slacker would do the same thing after ads. I'd get off of a call while in a building when nothing was playing before and it would start playing a podcast. Once I noticed it was playing and I had missed a couple of podcasts I hadn't listened to and the device was muted so it just kept playing...
I have other reasons too, I just seem to work better with iPhone. I can type upwards of 30+ wpm on iPhone, the Note I maybe could do 10. Multitasking works better for me. The camera on the Note was amazing on a perfect still picture, but any motion and it was a blurry mess. I have several young children and it stunk for that. The Voyager Legend works better with the iPhone (and Siri to bring it back to this thread). A couple of Android guys told me I must have a dud, but I think this is the 6th Android device I've tried over the past few years and I've had nothing but duds. I really tried to like it this time, but it just didn't work out.
@christophero well, to each their own. As far as 30 wpm, pfffst. I see that and raise you that I can easily do 60 on mine. One word: Swype. FTW!! I had a Windows 8 phone for a few months and not having Swype just about killed me. It had the best word prediction algorithm I've ever seen on that Nokia but still...gah! I don't have issues with my S4. Samsung has taken over dominance of the Android market where HTC and Moto stood before. Moto and HTC are still big but Samsung is king. I can use iPhones. I just really, REALLY hate the interface. FWIW
Legend works amazing with the Windows phone but it's still pretty good with my Android. I love the Legend personally. I'm a bit of a Plantronics guy...just a little.
As far as Pandora, I'm not sure.
I'm a Windows Phone guy, and having better voice control would be awesome. Calling it Cortana though...not really professional implications there. It seems like 2 steps back after MS' one step forward with WP8.1.
@Kelly How can you not name it Cortana?! Anything else would just be wrong! After all she and Master Chief went through! She must live on!!!!
@ajstringham As a gamer I approve of the name. As an IT Pro trying to get my users to unify on something I dislike the choice. Of course, most of my users have no idea what the reference is to, so it may be moot.
@Kelly Exactly. Those who get the reference will love it. Those who don't won't know any different. Worst case scenario is some parent finds out from their kid. They shrug it off and it's no big deal. I love it personally FWIW.
@ajstringham I tried Swype, and I was fast at times, but it didn't seem to get word accuracy down very well for me. I'd go slower because I'd swype and wait to see what word it picked - if I just tried to go I'd have a sentence that sounded like it came out of PSX'd drunken stupor. Or would that be when he's sober?
How would we know? He's never sober.
@scottalanmiller Agreed.
@christophero I've never had a problem. But that's me... -
@ChristopherO said:
@ajstringham I tried Swype, and I was fast at times, but it didn't seem to get word accuracy down very well for me. I'd go slower because I'd swype and wait to see what word it picked - if I just tried to go I'd have a sentence that sounded like it came out of PSX'd drunken stupor. Or would that be when he's sober?
That's why I am trying out minuum.