Exchange Online Migration From POP3
netsh winhttp reset proxy
bbbabababababeat ya lol
Thanks for the unrelated late night help...well, my migrations appears to be going well...MX records updated, email flowing to new Exchange...may being PST imports late Saturday...
hey, it takes a village
and the night's not late yet
Well, things look good.... I've checked the old POP3 server and nothing is flowing there anymore and all going to Exchange.
Awesome news!
Things are GREAT today...someone with a 20GB PST file was grumbling at the time it took to import and then Outlook went "not responding" for a while but other than that and some profile complaints (people needing to change views, personalizations, etc.), this went very smooth...
To everyone...your help was invaluable and we have a knowledge base now on this.
Can't thank you enough...
The bad news is there is an O365 outage of sorts and I may be affected:
Current Status: Engineers have determined that by design, an automated recovery feature took the appropriate action to restore service health. Engineering are monitoring service health at this time.
Customer Impact: Affected customers may be unable to access the Exchange Online service.
Incident Start Time: Monday, August 25, 2014 at 2:30 PM UTC
Next Update: Monday, August 25, 2014 at 5:30 PM UTC
I have about 5-6 users who cannot send/receive emails right first, I thought it may be the sync with their PST's I imported. Now, I wonder if it is this issue.
@garak0410 said:
I have about 5-6 users who cannot send/receive emails right first, I thought it may be the sync with their PST's I imported. Now, I wonder if it is this issue.
Can said users open outlook and does it say connected? If so, you are not affected.
What about OWA? can they log in via the web?
Any luck testing OWA?
Yes...OWA is showing email collection and syncing of folders...
UPDATE - Most of these users were good this morning. The one with the huge PST file I had to stop, create a new profile and then he received yesterdays emails but it then began again the UPDATING INBOX and he can't receive emails for now. OWA is the workaround but patience is running thin.
I have another user who is having hit and miss reception (again on his desktop Outlook) and one who had this problem yesterday but it cleared up, the problem is back. Again, works on OWA and his phone but not his desktop Outlook.
The hit and miss user...he has Exchange configured on his Surface RT and it is receiving fine but that inbox is not updated/sync with his desktop version.
But I guess the best news, everyone else seems good but I am starting to wonder if there may be more problems.
Those people who are having problems (besides the one whom you are still trying to upload his PST into O365) do they still have a PST attached to their Outlook profile?
If so, try removing that connection (assuming their PST is already uploaded, they shouldn't need it any more) and delete the POP3 connection as well.
Or, even easier, just delete their current Outlook profile, and simply make a brand new Outlook profile only containing the connection to O365.
@Dashrender said:
Those people who are having problems (besides the one whom you are still trying to upload his PST into O365) do they still have a PST attached to their Outlook profile?
If so, try removing that connection (assuming their PST is already uploaded, they shouldn't need it any more) and delete the POP3 connection as well.
Or, even easier, just delete their current Outlook profile, and simply make a brand new Outlook profile only containing the connection to O365.
I am thinking it is just large PSTs, lack of bandwidth and the such. But why people who worked fine yesterday are struggling today, not sure. But we are sitting at 98% of people working, no lost e-mails or downtime which is pretty dang good.
I told these last few users to leave Outlook open, let it update and use OWA for I can do.
OWA experience has "sucked' said the users forced to use it...sigh...don't you really hate IT sometimes?
"I do and do and do for you kids and this is the thanks I get!"
@garak0410 said:
OWA experience has "sucked' said the users forced to use it...sigh...
The OWA experience in Office 365 is almost identical to Outlook 2013.
@JaredBusch said:
@garak0410 said:
OWA experience has "sucked' said the users forced to use it...sigh...
The OWA experience in Office 365 is almost identical to Outlook 2013.
I agree.... they don't...
@JaredBusch said:
@garak0410 said:
OWA experience has "sucked' said the users forced to use it...sigh...
The OWA experience in Office 365 is almost identical to Outlook 2013.
It is what I use every day. I find it generally better, actually.
@scottalanmiller I like full one outlook better but I'm liking OWA for 2013/Office 365 pretty well so far. In 2010 I hated OWA.