Changes occurring during every highstate
Every time a highstate is ran on my server, I get 4 or 5 of the same "changes" every single time.
I don't know why, mostly because I don't really understand how the iptables / firewall commands and config file works.
Here are the results of a typical highstate:
Summary for tgserv ------------- Succeeded: 53 (changed=4) Failed: 0 ------------- Total states run: 53 Total run time: 19.117 s
Here are the changes that occur every time:
---------- ID: allow established Function: iptables.append Result: True Comment: Set iptables rule for allow established to: /usr/sbin/iptables --wait -t filter -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT for ipv4 Started: 20:04:20.247043 Duration: 154.919 ms Changes: ---------- locale: allow established ---------- ID: default to reject Function: iptables.append Result: True Comment: Set iptables rule for default to reject to: /usr/sbin/iptables --wait -t filter -A INPUT --jump REJECT for ipv4 Started: 20:04:20.402639 Duration: 146.135 ms Changes: ---------- locale: default to reject ---------- ID: FedoraServer Function: firewalld.present Result: True Comment: 'FedoraServer' was configured. Started: 20:04:04.080759 Duration: 15860.689 ms Changes: ---------- interfaces: ---------- new: - ens3 old: ---------- ID: cockpit Function: service.running Result: True Comment: Service cockpit is already enabled, and is running Started: 20:04:03.257258 Duration: 255.051 ms Changes: ---------- cockpit: True
I don't understand why they aren't considered to be staying in the correct state, what's making them change or not stick?