Solved Sodium Helpdesk Feature Request: Allow Edit Users + System Default User
Right now the only edit that is allowed for existing users are to change Group, Reset Password or Delete. Also need the ability to change login name (without having to create a brand new user), change user email address and change First Name or Last Name. Any of those changes should also allow the user account to remain "attached" to any tickets, comments, updates, either currently open or historical.
Also, if a user is deleted, all existing or past tickets, comments, attachments, etc, should automatically be assigned to a "system" user to allow for searching and filtering, reassignment if necessary. Deleting a user should not create any orphan records that cannot be searched or reported on.
This has been resolved and is working as intended.
Tagging @QuixoticJeremy @QuixoticJustin
These are all really good points. The admin module really hasn't been touched much since the introduction of the helpdesk so I'm playing catch on up on that as we speak. I'll make sure to keep this in mind here as I work on it. Thanks @NashBrydges !
@nashbrydges said in Sodium Helpdesk Feature Request: Allow Edit Users + System Default User:
Right now the only edit that is allowed for existing users are to change Group, Reset Password or Delete. Also need the ability to change login name (without having to create a brand new user), change user email address and change First Name or Last Name. Any of those changes should also allow the user account to remain "attached" to any tickets, comments, updates, either currently open or historical.
Also, if a user is deleted, all existing or past tickets, comments, attachments, etc, should automatically be assigned to a "system" user to allow for searching and filtering, reassignment if necessary. Deleting a user should not create any orphan records that cannot be searched or reported on.
I have released an update that is going to allow you to update all of these facets of a user and also upon deletion of a user tickets will be reassigned to a static user named "Removed User" which you can filter based on. From there you can reassign the ticket to anyone else you want. Once the release is rolled out I'll check on prod to make sure it works and update the thread!
This has been released however there is another release that is going to come out as soon as my IT gets back to me. Found a bug where if you tried to enter an email or username that was already in the system it wasn't hitting the proper conditionals to skip and would error out. For now until that release comes out just be sure not to try to update a user with information that is already in our system and you'll be fine.
This has been resolved and is working as intended.