OpenERP renames itself to Odoo
OpenERP has renamed itself to "Odoo":
I've been following OpenERP for a while as it really seemed to be (maybe still is?) the most promising open source ERP/accounting system. However they never quite had the level of professionalism I was looking for due to poor documentation and poor upgrade paths, amongst other things (e.g. weird changes to their website.)
What really threw me off was this:
"Choosing the right name is hard. To find the perfect name, we analysed the names of top internet companies. We discovered a direct correlation between the company valuation and the number of 'O' in its name. The graph below shows the average valuation of the top 10 internet companies according to the number of 'O' in their names.
With three 'O' in its name, 'Odoo' is in phase with our ambitions."
Is it just me, or does that seem rediculous? I actually had to stop and re-read to make sure it wasn't a joke.
Now the just sound crazy. Lol.
That's a horrible name too
I just realiezd; it sounds like "play-doh"!
Maybe it is named after the Ood in Dr Who.
Changing one's name is always a bad sign. Means they did something that they can't recover from, reputation-wise.
@Nic said:
Changing one's name is always a bad sign. Means they did something that they can't recover from, reputation-wise.
Likely made a weak product for so long that everyone ignores them now.