The WordPress on CentOS LEMP Challenge
This is what I have at the moment. need to update the virtual host and then it should function I think. I can see the default apache page now, so i know that the basics are working.
yum -y install httpd; chkconfig httpd on; yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server; chkconfig mariadb on; setenforce permissive; #rpm -Uvh; rpm -Uvh; #rpm -ivh; rpm -ivh; yum -y -–enablerepo=remi install php-fpm php-mysql; chkconfig php-fpm on; cd /opt; wget; tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz; systemctl start mariadb; echo “CREATE DATABASE wp” | mysql; echo “CREATE USER ‘wp’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;” | mysql; echo “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘wp’@’localhost’;” | mysql; echo “FLUSH PRIVILEGES;” | mysql; chown -R apache:apache /opt/wordpress/; firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=http/tcp; firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=http/tcp --permanent; systemctl reload firewalld; systemctl start httpd; systemctl start php-fpm;
@scottalanmiller said:
People hire that guy as an MSP? Damn. SMBs are just not discriminating at all.
The way the guy would talk about it, it would seem he was stretched thin to begin with, but possibly having money troubles too which made him work ridiculous hours spinning his wheels instead of hiring it out. OR he over promised and was under delivering.
I checked some other threads. That guy is a Curtis. I commented on a few. Caught him giving himself BAs to make himself look good and reported him. I can see the mods looking at the threads now.
Man this guy. How is storage spaces or sharing harddrives anything like cluster which requires custom written applications... fail.
It is amazing. Every single thread that he starts is something ridiculous. It is like s kid who has no idea how computers work or what they would be used for.
@Reid-Cooper Well, this has been my experience with about 85% of MSPs, they have no clue what they are doing and take on jobs and try to learn what they are doing. And usually don't very well.
That guy is especially bad. He's not even trying. He is going significantly out of his way to be obtuse and only do completely inappropriate things. You can't be that bad on accident.
As someone who has worked in MSPs for a long time, I have some pity for MSPs as customers often drive them to this. You'd be amazed how little customers tend to care if they MSP is good and often favour the incompetent ones because they charge less and pander to whatever the customer wants to hear. Customers make it more lucrative to be incompetent than to help them.
@scottalanmiller said:
That guy is especially bad. He's not even trying. He is going significantly out of his way to be obtuse and only do completely inappropriate things. You can't be that bad on accident.
As someone who has worked in MSPs for a long time, I have some pity for MSPs as customers often drive them to this. You'd be amazed how little customers tend to care if they MSP is good and often favour the incompetent ones because they charge less and pander to whatever the customer wants to hear. Customers make it more lucrative to be incompetent than to help them.
+1 so much this! Luckily we have a few solid clients that understand what IT really means and see how we are saving them over the long run. We intentionally dump any client that does not see how IT is important to their business.
@thecreativeone91 said:
Man this guy. How is storage spaces or sharing harddrives anything like cluster which requires custom written applications... fail.
My head aspoded.
I think this guy and Curtis can be summed up thusly....
My friend's website is up and running on WordPress on CentOS7.
How To Forge has details now too...
Here is my process for Apache on CentOS7 minimal
# install packages needed to run wordpress yum -y install httpd; yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server; yum -y install php php-mysql wget nano; systemctl enable httpd.service; systemctl enable mariadb.service; setenforce permissive; systemctl start mariadb; firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=http/tcp; firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=http/tcp --permanent; systemctl reload firewalld; systemctl start httpd; # create database and user for this website/domain echo "CREATE DATABASE wp_yourdomain;" | mysql; echo "CREATE USER 'wp_yourdomain'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'somerandompassword';" | mysql; echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'wp_yourdomain'@'localhost';" | mysql; echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql; # download wordpress cd /opt; wget; tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz; chown -R apache:apache /opt/wordpress/; # copy the wordpress directory to the domain folder desired cp -R /opt/wordpress/ /opt/yourdomain/ # create the wp-config.php file and set the database information cp /opt/yourdomain/wp-config-sample.php /opt/yourdomain/wp-config.php; sed -i -e 's/database_name_here/wp_yourdomain/' /opt/yourdomain/wp-config.php; sed -i -e 's/username_here/wp_yourdomain/' /opt/yourdomain/wp-config.php; sed -i -e 's/password_here/somerandompassword/' /opt/yourdomain/wp-config.php; # go to and copy paste a unique salt into your wp-config.php file # no idea how to use sed to find/replace this. This data goes at the end of the wp-config.php file. define('AUTH_KEY', 'P/u!4L<`Ia+2e=^w&KBgDs[f)r:vcM~=ylK-E:Hq|B`HGv%cZtAN*Toy@b],6g!b'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'qJV7.|d>:N$61J*_<wyX +K<P(Xz_TId+uJQ+3V/~h_L8}k_l4t,i[^Ss^3}(1j*'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'dfJ;0JEt?u&r[T%Vn|@|y3AXx&CO~bjmfy{9gIPi2i|ouwmv99*(a`-i(*F}L{g+'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'Qy{%n+h,rt66ILfR[;xO2kCMrjMY&vppiU X+cq*OXeS44hyP.At3K3Eb3r~zOH-'); define('AUTH_SALT', '3qH|kzJYd.*JmV%()x8yyl1a;^SC3}]D}7koA%|W*z(GRA/wF=p!(9xT~;+0A>>D'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '1$LIVd(W 3X~.L$Or YbUtUBL%&}JNxF6o`tw.WVJ3b|v]Ik3c0afEy0j =D2R5<'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '[-Rf2*n&U]D&KWZ 5IR{63D^$g~oGq</!Pi(&8kEQ*J2Ui?cHo!h4(1~<Qj?g ah'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'xRL!G|/Xe&f|WfCp(v(6H.?-OwY2uxp^HJYYhMWx8KJca0s<J_2%E[cr:ZZ9t`1k'); # edit the apache config to change the default document root to point to your wordpress folder # by default it is located: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # Change the following two lines DocumentRoot "/opt/yourdomain" # was "/var/www/html" <Directory "/opt/yourdomain"> # was "/var/www/html" # If you are going to have multiple domains pointing to this server eventually, # you need to create a virtual host entry in apache config # by default it is located: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # just need to be at the end of the file. # you will have one of these for each domain name pointing to this host. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm DocumentRoot /opt/yourdomain ServerName ServerAlias * LogLevel warn ErrorLog logs/yourdomain-error_log CustomLog logs/yourdomain-access_log common <Directory /> Require all granted Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost> # restart the webserver then browse to your site. systemctl reload httpd;
I guess I could load wordpress onto and post this there.
no idea what i want to do with that domain. just bought it because it was available.
I mostly use mine for email.
@scottalanmiller said:
I mostly use mine for email.
No you don't. You use your gmail for everything, including NTG STUFF! Case and point: storage locker.
@ajstringham I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
The storage locker, for NTG Lab stuff, that you had here in put a ton of different things as your Gmail when you should use your NTG email. I had a very interesting convo with @Minion-Queen once on it...
I only use Gmail when I need to make non-NTG accounts. I don't even read my Gmail, it's the spam account. It often exists in odd places because of companies having really bad account management where we felt it was dangerous to use the company account. I'm actually very careful about it.
I never use a personal email for work use... Unless of course my former boss decides he thinks he needs to use it.