Want to learn how to blog?
I like your enthusiasm, but I don't really see an overall usefulness to this in this day in age, unless you're trying to market to businesses as some sort of "you don't have a web site, start a blog" kind of thing.
This is more geared towards personal blogs.
People interested in that just google blogs and something takes them through 2 steps on setting it up though.
I can sincerely say that I have never wanted to "learn to blog". Is it for kids or something? For the technologically impaired?
btw @Aaron-Studer I'm not trying to be a dick here, but you should be open to defending your ideas. I often tell my employees their ideas are terrible, and most start to catch on this means you need to defend it, even if it is a good idea and further explain the motivations and benefits. If you can't do that, maybe it's not a good idea.
Who down voted my post? Stick by your downvotes, show yourself!
I'm the same way, although I try not to lead with the idea being "bad", but I really make people defend ideas. That's kind of my job. @GregoryHall has to put up with that a lot. And we often find things that were missed because of that. Often we don't go with my idea but his, but with some twekas that we found from me pressuring him to think outside the box, or defend the idea or whatever.
Just be aware of the Spolsky Effect. Employees started to think anything he questioned was wrong or anything he suggested was right and never defended things which caused no end of problems.
@scottalanmiller said:
Just be aware of the Spolsky Effect. Employees started to think anything he questioned was wrong or anything he suggested was right and never defended things which caused no end of problems.
Oh yes, I am familiar with the work of Joel Spolsky. I try to balance it of course, also because I just don't want to see overly negative for no reason at all, certainly not good for morale.
Hey, someone downvoted me again but didn't defend their criticism, brave indeed.