The Best Interview Question
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
That's what I used to do.
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
That's what I used to do.
Give me some Lincoln Logs and I'll build an awesome log home!
@BMarie said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
That's what I used to do.
Give me some Lincoln Logs and I'll build an awesome log home!
OMG! Lincoln logs were what came before Legos for me! I was a beast with Lincoln logs!
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
Same. Lego's and k'nex were my favorite. Lincoln logs were to restrictive for me.
Okay, someone bring me a box of Lego's!
@thecreativeone91 said:
@BMarie said:
I'd love to have that question, that's the best interview question EVER! That's why IT people....i.e. creative souls answer questions like that so much better. I would totally say I'd sit in the floor for hours and build things.
Same. Lego's and k'nex were my favorite. Lincoln logs were to restrictive for me.
Yeah, I get that.
Try and build based off the picture on the box.
Of course there is also this option: -
@coliver said:
Of course there is also this option:, why when you can write angry letters to the company that will get filed in file 13
@thecreativeone91 said:
@coliver said:
Of course there is also this option:, why when you can write angry letters to the company that will get filed in file 13
LEGO is awesome! I used to call them as a kid whenever I was missing a part from a kit and they'd send it to me with no fuss. I loved it!
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
They are probably going to test your answer to the previous questions, Lego, with a session of Minecraft. You are given a set of blocks and no instructions.
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
I'm old school when it comes to video games, give me anything Mario on original Nintendo or Super Nintendo. The new games not so much.
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
Where is this company and how can I apply
@BMarie said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
Where is this company and how can I apply
Headquarters in in Virginia. but they have offices all over the US (no IT staff in those though). I'd be working for the parent company that owns a few large construction companies, road crews, agricultural and a few other odds and ends over the US. There's about 20 people at HQ that do IT, HR/PR, Accounting/Payroll for all the other companies. There's about 3,000 employees total I think not including sub contractors.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@BMarie said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
This company also said there will likely be a video game session after the follow up interview. Hopefully performance in said game doesn't affect the job as I suck at most video games.
Where is this company and how can I apply
Headquarters in in Virginia. but they have offices all over the US (no IT staff in those though). I'd be working for the parent company that owns a few large construction companies, road crews, agricultural and a few other odds and ends over the US. There's about 20 people at HQ that do IT, HR/PR, Accounting/Payroll for all the other companies. There's about 3,000 employees total I think not including sub contractors.
Oh wow. Sounds nice, hope you get it!