Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file
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Thanks! site bookmarked -
If there is any possibility to copy the new content of the data from. csv to smtp mail by powershell???
@tim_g said in Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file:
This site uses Markdown: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
To post code, you use three ``` before and after your code. Single line or above and below your block of code.
This git hub is for?
You mean send mail using whatever the data in the CSV is?
$SmtpServer = "smtp.com" $SmtpServerPort = "25 or 587" $SmtpFrom = "[email protected]" $SmtpTo = "[email protected]" $SmtpBody = "$csvArray" $SmtpSubject = "Subject" Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpServerPort -From $SmtpFrom -To $SmtpTo -subject $SmtpSubject -body $SmtpBody
@stess said in Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file:
You mean send mail using whatever the data in the CSV is?
$SmtpServer = "smtp.com" $SmtpServerPort = "25 or 587" $SmtpFrom = "[email protected]" $SmtpTo = "[email protected]" $SmtpBody = "$csvArray" $SmtpSubject = "Subject" Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpServerPort -From $SmtpFrom -To $SmtpTo -subject $SmtpSubject -body $SmtpBody
Thank you so much
You should look more into technet articles. There are plenty of guide, tips and tricks, etc. -
@stess said in Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file:
Hmmm.. I don't know how to post code here.$csvFile = ".\etc.csv" #dummy file. Change it to whereevery your file is at. $csvImport = Import-Csv $csvFile # Create Array for Exporting out data $csvArray = "" #this clear for testing purpose. But it works in production environment as well.. so I didn't bother to remove it. $csvArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Entry count $lineCounter = 1 # Foreach Loop Foreach ($csvImportedItem in $csvImport){ $lineCounter++ #this let me know which line in the entry is the problem. $importedName = $csvImportedItem.Name $importedID = $csvImportedItem.ID $importedDept = $csvImportedItem.Department $importedNote = $csvImportedItem.Note if($importedNote -eq "C"){ $csvArray += $csvImportedItem "[$lineCounter] $importedName $importedID $importedDept $importedNote`n" #For outputing result. Testing purpose $csvImportedItem #For outputing result. Testing purpose } } $csvArray #For outputing result before exporting to new CSV #$csvArray | Export-Csv $NEWPATH -NoTypeInformation #destinate new path.
Name ID Department Note Caroline Bates 10035 Sales A Danny Harrison 11523 Customer Service B Armando Kelley 16423 Sales C Dorothy Colon 10245 HR B Joanna Sutton 19853 Accounting C Neat!
if there "ticket id" and "Assigned date" is there in heading means??
@lakshmana said in Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file:
@stess said in Powershell Filter Data and Copy Data to new .csv file:
Hmmm.. I don't know how to post code here.$csvFile = ".\etc.csv" #dummy file. Change it to whereevery your file is at. $csvImport = Import-Csv $csvFile # Create Array for Exporting out data $csvArray = "" #this clear for testing purpose. But it works in production environment as well.. so I didn't bother to remove it. $csvArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Entry count $lineCounter = 1 # Foreach Loop Foreach ($csvImportedItem in $csvImport){ $lineCounter++ #this let me know which line in the entry is the problem. $importedName = $csvImportedItem.Name $importedID = $csvImportedItem.ID $importedDept = $csvImportedItem.Department $importedNote = $csvImportedItem.Note if($importedNote -eq "C"){ $csvArray += $csvImportedItem "[$lineCounter] $importedName $importedID $importedDept $importedNote`n" #For outputing result. Testing purpose $csvImportedItem #For outputing result. Testing purpose } } $csvArray #For outputing result before exporting to new CSV #$csvArray | Export-Csv $NEWPATH -NoTypeInformation #destinate new path.
Name ID Department Note Caroline Bates 10035 Sales A Danny Harrison 11523 Customer Service B Armando Kelley 16423 Sales C Dorothy Colon 10245 HR B Joanna Sutton 19853 Accounting C Neat!
if there "ticket id" and "Assigned date" is there in heading means??
use " "
So$importedID = $csvImportedItem.ID
$importedID = $csvImportedItem."ticket id"
Keep the variable simple and easy to understand.
@stess i get error as "Warning: one or more headers were not specified. Defaults names starting with H have been used in place of any missing headers"
there is no data copied here to. csv