Ping with Time Stamp
Hi Guys
Does anyone know how to ping -t with a time and date stamp? I know how to get this to a txt file ie: C:>ping >> c:\Test.txt -t but how can i get this to show the actual time and date? any ideas would be welcomed. thanks -
Ignore that - i found this batch file which works well:
@echo off
echo >pinglog.txt
for /f "tokens=" %%A in ('ping -n 1 ') do (echo %%A>>pinglog.txt && GOTO Ping)
for /f "tokens= skip=2" %%A in ('ping -n 1 ') do (echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A>>pinglog.txt && GOTO Ping)##CASE CLOSED##