Xen 4.10 Released
While one of its main distros might be faltering, Xen itself presses on with the latest version, Xen 4.10 having just released. Xen 4.10 looks to improve security, performance and architecture.
Mail features include:
- NUMA-aware scheduling for their "Credit 2" scheduler.
- Support for users to set a maximum amount of CPU a VM can consume.
- Improvements to its "Null" scheduler.
- Better virtual machine introspection.
- Support for PV Calls with the back-end driver added in Linux 4.14.
- User-interface improvements.
- Qualcomm Centriq 2400 and Cavium ThunderX ARM CPU support.
- There's also now support for GRUB2 on 64-bit ARMv8-A, ARM ITS (Interrupt Translation Service), and SBSA UART emulation.
- Restructuring the x86 hypervisor code to reduce attack surfaces and make the code cleaner.
- Intel UMIP (User Mode Instruction Prevention) and LMCE (Local Machine Check Exception) support. There's also Intel support for L2 Cache Allocation Technology (CAT).