How not to setup your AD, part 1059393988848 out of 920841294939398439243 from this customer
Customer sends us a ticket, complaining that they can't browse the internet on their Citrix box, or apparently any other box in their environment.
This customer is well known for f** {moderated] things up so magically, it's beyond belief. They put in a group policy to prevent anyone from seeing the C:\ drive on any host, even as domain admin. But they forgot that if you just put C:\ in the run box it pops right up. We once caught their machines spewing Facebook spam, as in hundreds of thousands of connections to Facebook over just one box. Their bright idea to fix the problem? Put in the host file as Never mind that there was still something spewing sh** [moderated], it's fixed.
After a bit of research, a very little bit of research, I think I found their problem:
@PSX_Defector wow.
It's no wonder IT people get such a bad reputation.
I think it's more along the lines of a certain four letter company that gives the rest of us a bad name. And considering the level of their screwups, its amazing that anyone still uses them.
Umm...okay 101 anyone?
that will cut their virus exposure way down though!