Solved Is it possible to install GitLab on Fedora 26?
Having a hard time doing so. I'm assuming it's because Fedora 26 isn't supported yet. Is there a way to bypass this and install it anyways? I tried doing what it says in the error, and installing the rpm manually. It doesn't work.
After running the command:
curl -sS | bash
I just get an error:
Detected operating system as fedora/26. Checking for curl... Detected curl... Downloading repository file: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found Unable to download repo config from: This usually happens if your operating system is not supported by, or this script's OS detection failed. You can override the OS detection by setting os= and dist= prior to running this script. You can find a list of supported OSes and distributions on our website: For example, to force CentOS 6: os=el dist=6 ./ If you are running a supported OS, please email [email protected] and report this.
My next step is to try this:
But I'm not hopeful. Has anyone had any luck, or should I just do it on CentOS 7 and be done with it?
I figured out the main issue I was having...
I didn't put the "/download" after the URL:
Once I fixed that and renamed the file, I was able to install it without issue, and access it:
The solution might be downloading that file and manually move it into place with:
wget ''
sudo mv config_file.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/gitlab.repo
sudo restorecon /etc/yum.repos.d/gitlab.repo
sudo dnf makecache
sudo dnf install gitlab