Backups in the DevOps World
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@scottalanmiller said
So this applies absolutely equally regardless of OS or licensing.
I don't agree with that.
If that was the case, you'd probably never see a DC with anything else on it.
You should literally never see a DC with anything else on it... that goes against best practices and Microsoft recommendations. If you're running Microsoft you are already buying into the costs. You know that it is going to cost money to run it well and correctly.
That was my point.
I spoke to @scottalanmiller offline about this yesterday. I think we were just arguing the wrong point.
My point was that it's much easier to just stand up a VM with individual stuff on it. It makes it easier to get it back up and running in the case of issues. His point was that has nothing to do with the data backup.
So, I think we were both right.
I agree on the DC, but how many times (I myself am guilty of this) do we see a DC with a bunch of other stuff on it? All the time. If Windows Server was free, that probably would be less of the case.
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@scottalanmiller said
So this applies absolutely equally regardless of OS or licensing.
I don't agree with that.
If that was the case, you'd probably never see a DC with anything else on it.
You should literally never see a DC with anything else on it... that goes against best practices and Microsoft recommendations. If you're running Microsoft you are already buying into the costs. You know that it is going to cost money to run it well and correctly.
That was my point.
I spoke to @scottalanmiller offline about this yesterday. I think we were just arguing the wrong point.
My point was that it's much easier to just stand up a VM with individual stuff on it. It makes it easier to get it back up and running in the case of issues. His point was that has nothing to do with the data backup.
So, I think we were both right.
I agree on the DC, but how many times (I myself am guilty of this) do we see a DC with a bunch of other stuff on it? All the time. If Windows Server was free, that probably would be less of the case.
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@scottalanmiller said
So this applies absolutely equally regardless of OS or licensing.
I don't agree with that.
If that was the case, you'd probably never see a DC with anything else on it.
You should literally never see a DC with anything else on it... that goes against best practices and Microsoft recommendations. If you're running Microsoft you are already buying into the costs. You know that it is going to cost money to run it well and correctly.
That's a very important thing to remember. Windows is an awesome product, but it is a cost premium and if you are considering it, then licensing should be factored into the consideration. If you can't afford to run it, you shouldn't run it, it's that easy.
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
Yes, and that brings up the point of the other topic, what value does MS actually bring to the table. Other then making it easier for IT Pros to mess up best practices.
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
Correct. AD, DNS, DHCP, Relational Database, Email, you name it. The only thing generally lacking is specific support for things like applications that will only run on Windows that people want to use.
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
Yes, and that brings up the point of the other topic, what value does MS actually bring to the table. Other then making it easier for IT Pros to mess up best practices.
I mean in theory most SMBs, who are now probably heavily MS shops, could start over, and basically accomplish the same things with FOSS. Unfortunately (IMO) the knowledge is just not there.
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
Yes, and that brings up the point of the other topic, what value does MS actually bring to the table. Other then making it easier for IT Pros to mess up best practices.
I mean in theory most SMBs, who are now probably heavily MS shops, could start over, and basically accomplish the same things with FOSS. Unfortunately (IMO) the knowledge is just not there.
Which is why most SMBs probably shouldn't have IT people onsite or really any onsite infrastructure. But that's another topic entirely.
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@BRRABill said in Backups in the DevOps World:
@coliver said
That's true, but we already have a FOSS option for a majority of the tools Windows provides. If people were going to follow best practices then the licensing part would never come into it.
If you are going that direction, there is probably FOSS for everything windows provides in most circumstances, no?
Yes, and that brings up the point of the other topic, what value does MS actually bring to the table. Other then making it easier for IT Pros to mess up best practices.
I mean in theory most SMBs, who are now probably heavily MS shops, could start over, and basically accomplish the same things with FOSS. Unfortunately (IMO) the knowledge is just not there.
The knowledge is there if they went to better support models
Lacking the necessary skills is another mistake that lots of SMBs make. It's layer upon layer of mistakes (some business, some tech) that lead to these situations.
That's not to say that Windows is never right, it's an excellent product with good use cases. But it's overused to an astounding degree because 99% of the time, no one is evaluating needs at all. And that means there is no IT being done, only "buying".
mmm... I think DevOps is not related to back up a stateless or stateful OS. I mean: any OS is stateless and apps can run with a bunch of config files setup. having a proper data backup solution decoupled from configs and from OS make things simple.
This is what I'm used to do:
1- OS: (ok the entire VM) backup now and then like 1 in a week, just in case something destroys the functionality
2- apps config: track changes wherever you want, from txt to a proper DevOps playbook (something simply I don't do)
3- data: backup as fast as possible. <- THIS IS ACTUALLY THE STATEFUL PART.I'm really a fan of application level backup. I mean that if you have a DB let the DB backup its own data, do not do cool differential hourly VM image backups with huge retention windows. NO, never. I dislike this. Do data backups instead: they are simply more efficent.
In case of disaster recovery what I try to do is:
1- restart from the latest OS point,
2- if nothing in the config is changed in from last OS backup (trak your config changes) this is ok, else patch config.
3- Then restore latest dataset, no differential stuff, simply erase data and restore them.What I see in DevOps is that you should script points 1 and 2 without use the latest OS point: create a plain VM image and do all the config programmatically so that you do not need to restore anything in the VM/app setup: simply create the VM from scratch everytime like you would do with vagrant!
then you still need to add the "stateful" bit if you have it, that is, restore the dataset, via app native procedures.
Unfortunately it seems that this solution (app level backup) is not perceived as a good practice, as anyone wants huge differential VM backups at block level. I think because they are easier to manage in case of hurry: just apply some automatic procedure to restore blocks as a huge "file", don't mind about internals.
@matteo-nunziati said in Backups in the DevOps World:
mmm... I think DevOps is not related to back up a stateless or stateful OS. I mean: any OS is stateless and apps can run with a bunch of config files setup. having a proper data backup solution decoupled from configs and from OS make things simple.
Of course, but didn't you just define DevOps
@matteo-nunziati said in Backups in the DevOps World:
I'm really a fan of application level backup. I mean that if you have a DB let the DB backup its own data, do not do cool differential hourly VM image backups with huge retention windows. NO, never. I dislike this. Do data backups instead: they are simply more efficent.
Same here. No one knows how to get data out of your database like the database
@matteo-nunziati said in Backups in the DevOps World:
Unfortunately it seems that this solution (app level backup) is not perceived as a good practice....
It's the only thing that I've ever really seen in the enterprise. The idea of anything else is much more an SMB thing. At least in my experience.
@scottalanmiller what I wanted to say is that DevOps (as a technique, do not mind about the phylosophy) is mostly about scripting everything from the ground up.
Stateless/stateful is mostly a mindset in back up: restore a VM is always stateless, the stateful bit is if you have to restore datasets in it, which is, to my opinion, a second and decoupled step.
even security patches is mostly of a nightmare on windows but just an apt/yum away in linux.
very ofter people refer to stateless VMs/containers when they can simply respawn in a cloud env when they die, but provisioning (e.g. setting up right config files) is always there, even in a docker conf file.
Let state this differently. My way of "old" disaster recovery:
1- create a new VM
2- install the OS on it
3- setup all the required config/servicesoptionally for stateful servers/VMs/containers:
4- restore the latest data snapshotin DevOps steps 1 to 3 are still there but you use a deploy/provision script being it vagrant+ansible or something more complex.
Maybe step 4 can even be scripted here. but DevOps is this: just script everything.
The added value of this is that you can re-run the script as you want and if a local basis is available (say local ISO, local cache for apt/yum), things can be really fast. This lowers the barrier to testing disaster scenarions.
But a lot of infrastructure must be there. and discipline/quality insurrance. Both of which very often an SMB lacks.
the same can be obtained on a physical machine if you keep images with tools like clonezilla etc...
It's true that you can make stateless systems without DevOps tooling and approaches. But the nature and assumptions of those systems is that you cannot. Just letting arbitrary logins (even of administrators) can undermine that. One of the beauties of the pure DevOps model is the lack of logins. Much like functional programming.