Guess who?
@Duffney Josh! How goes it my man?!
@Duffney Wow, another one! Welcome.
Good timing since a certain website is down this morning
@Duffney sup duff?
Hey Duff!
Appreciate all the welcomes, I'll be honest if SAM wouldn't of messaged me I would of been clueless. I'm very curious about what's all going on at that Other Community if anyone is willing to share.
I was broadsided by the news lol
@ajstringham It goes well how about you?
@Duffney Things are good. We'll have to chat over Google and I can get you up to speed.
Or you could use the ML chat system.
@scottalanmiller Eh, I always know I can catch him via Google. ML is much more hit or miss.
@scottalanmiller Not opposed to using it at all. Just less likely to be on at the same time. Wish we could connect ML chat to a client like Pidgin...
@ajstringham said:
@scottalanmiller Not opposed to using it at all. Just less likely to be on at the same time. Wish we could connect ML chat to a client like Pidgin...
Except that would pull people away from the community and just overlap with existing IM services. The value of the IM in a community of this nature is for ad hoc IM, not for persistent IM. You already have mature persistent public IM systems (Google, AIM, Yahoo, etc.) and mature private ones (Lync, Yammer, OpenFire, etc.) Having "yet another" probably would not make sense. It is only special in its ad hoc nature.
@scottalanmiller Fair enough.
Perhaps a thread where people live their handles, but I understand the problems with that to.