NetDrive - Any One Used It?
@Dashrender said:
My point is that using the tags is an awesome feature, but why would you tag a file with the application name? I suppose that tag could be added automatically so one could sort/search through only, for example, excel files, but I don't see that being overly common or even needed.. instead just search for the terms you know, don't worry about the application type.
No need to tag because it is an intrinsic aspect of the file. And searching/sorting on it is so common it is practically assumed.
But I don't see what the point was... I'm saying that an app, like Excel, could read the tags. And then any tag searching you would do from a file management system you would do instead from the application in which you wish to work.
@scottalanmiller said:
But I don't see what the point was... I'm saying that an app, like Excel, could read the tags. And then any tag searching you would do from a file management system you would do instead from the application in which you wish to work.
If and only if the searching revealed any and all files with the tag, not just those limited to the open application. Currently Excel limits its search to Excel (and related) files only. This is why my push for the document management system instead.
But, change that default behavior of the apps, and I'd be happy with that.
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
But I don't see what the point was... I'm saying that an app, like Excel, could read the tags. And then any tag searching you would do from a file management system you would do instead from the application in which you wish to work.
If and only if the searching revealed any and all files with the tag, not just those limited to the open application. Currently Excel limits its search to Excel (and related) files only. This is why my push for the document management system instead.
But, change that default behavior of the apps, and I'd be happy with that.
I feel like you are obsessed with this one idea. It really doesn't happen to other people. Have you ever seen or heard of this problem outside of this one user one time? I feel like everything around data storage comes down to the one story that happened one time. None of this applies in the real world that I have seen. Not once, ever. Do you actually see people not knowing what they were doing constantly?
@Dashrender said:
Currently Excel limits its search to Excel (and related) files only. This is why my push for the document management system instead.
Honestly anything else would be crazy. It's BEFORE you only want to open the apps that are for the function that you want to perform that you don't want to just work with files. What you define as the one need of your storage system, I think you will find the rest of the world has already defined as the one thing they don't want to see happen.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
But I don't see what the point was... I'm saying that an app, like Excel, could read the tags. And then any tag searching you would do from a file management system you would do instead from the application in which you wish to work.
If and only if the searching revealed any and all files with the tag, not just those limited to the open application. Currently Excel limits its search to Excel (and related) files only. This is why my push for the document management system instead.
But, change that default behavior of the apps, and I'd be happy with that.
I feel like you are obsessed with this one idea. It really doesn't happen to other people. Have you ever seen or heard of this problem outside of this one user one time? I feel like everything around data storage comes down to the one story that happened one time. None of this applies in the real world that I have seen. Not once, ever. Do you actually see people not knowing what they were doing constantly?
Sadly yes - a lot, no, of course not.. but enough to the point where I am concerned about it.
I'm sure I'm also biased because I personally never launch a program to open a file on my computer, I use explorer to find the file in question, double click and it opens the associated program. Of course on mobile, that's not how things work... so I do your method.
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
But I don't see what the point was... I'm saying that an app, like Excel, could read the tags. And then any tag searching you would do from a file management system you would do instead from the application in which you wish to work.
If and only if the searching revealed any and all files with the tag, not just those limited to the open application. Currently Excel limits its search to Excel (and related) files only. This is why my push for the document management system instead.
But, change that default behavior of the apps, and I'd be happy with that.
I feel like you are obsessed with this one idea. It really doesn't happen to other people. Have you ever seen or heard of this problem outside of this one user one time? I feel like everything around data storage comes down to the one story that happened one time. None of this applies in the real world that I have seen. Not once, ever. Do you actually see people not knowing what they were doing constantly?
Sadly yes - a lot, no, of course not.. but enough to the point where I am concerned about it.
I'm sure I'm also biased because I personally never launch a program to open a file on my computer, I use explorer to find the file in question, double click and it opens the associated program. Of course on mobile, that's not how things work... so I do your method.
Right, mobile is taking over so nearly everyone is used to that method now. But even on Windows I know that everything in the MS ecosystem is designed around launching from within the apps and let me tell you, it makes things so much easier when you are dealing with data all over the place and all you care about is getting things done. Having to understand, know and navigate storage to do tasks is cumbersome, slow and difficult for end users.
What I want to know is... how do users run into this problem? What is causing this. What is unique about what they are doing that they are driven by files and not functionality? I'm unclear how the workflow could confuse anyone in that way - the natural thing is to know what you want to do but not know the name of a file. How do they remember a file but have no idea what it is for and yet still care about doing something with it?
Mostly because many people use the wrong app for whatever they are doing...
Like making a list in Word instead of Excel, etc...
I know I made these notes about the board meeting... But I could have sworn I did it in excel... Nope found it was a word file.
I have users who have no idea how to open an app without a shortcut on the desktop.. Can't figure out the start menu, etc.
@Dashrender said:
Mostly because many people use the wrong app for whatever they are doing...
Like making a list in Word instead of Excel, etc...
I know I made these notes about the board meeting... But I could have sworn I did it in excel... Nope found it was a word file.
I have users who have no idea how to open an app without a shortcut on the desktop.. Can't figure out the start menu, etc.
I get that they are clueless, but it seems like there must be a good answer to this. Maybe the answer is taking these tools away and only letting them have OneNote
It just seems amazing that they can remember enough to find something but not know what it was or how they worked on it.
@scottalanmiller said:
I get that they are clueless, but it seems like there must be a good answer to this. Maybe the answer is taking these tools away and only letting them have OneNote
One Note is too complicated for End-Users...I recommend good, old fashioned Notepad for those users. :-B
Scott is right, even though I've experienced this issue, and I (the IT Person) need to have solutions to help find things, this doesn't mean we need to complicate the entire environment because of the minority.
Deities know - I hate kowtowing to the minority. Have a plan for them when possible, but don't make massive sweeping changing because of them if possible.
@Dashrender said:
Scott is right, even though I've experienced this issue, and I (the IT Person) need to have solutions to help find things, this doesn't mean we need to complicate the entire environment because of the minority.
Deities know - I hate kowtowing to the minority. Have a plan for them when possible, but don't make massive sweeping changing because of them if possible.
In the current world, you can give "normal" users application access and just instruct the minority to search through file shares / Sharepoint.