MangoCon 2016 NYS
Not yet. The first couple contracts we got we are renegotiating on. We are also looking at one more place on Monday this one is in Binghamton. Then we will have 4 contracts to read over and compare.
@Minion-Queen said:
Not yet. The first couple contracts we got we are renegotiating on. We are also looking at one more place on Monday this one is in Binghamton. Then we will have 4 contracts to read over and compare.
I'm good with Binghamton... nothing like a 40 minute drive.
If you need help scoping things out or anything let me know that is a really easy drive for me.
I figured you would like that. @jenuinecase and I have a meeting there at 10am Monday morning. Nothing like a almost 3 hour drive first thing on a Monday.
@Minion-Queen said:
Vendors aren't willing to take part for under 100 (the ones we want to spend $$)
I do like the intimacy of a smaller show. The quality of conversations you have with people can have a lot of value in them. We had a meeting to day discussing our trade show/events for the coming year. Hopefully we can nail down the month at least so I can make sure it is reserved for the show.
So far it sounded positive that Waterford Tech will be there.
We are attempting to keep things small. 250 is our aim right now. I will have dates next week!
Smaller shows are good. I really like the 350 - 400 range.
@anonymous That is dependant on the Venue. So once I have that I will let you know. Best guess Estimate at this point is around $200 a person. This will not include hotel costs.
@Minion-Queen any discounts for long term pests or most handsome forum members?
we might be able to talk about that
Have all the contracts in hand will be making a decision tomorrow!
Yea! Mangocon 2016! Just have to get my companies owner on board!!!
We will be talking about Agenda a bit tomorrow. Hopefully once Bosses see the level of training we will be won't be hard to talk them into paying
@Minion-Queen it shouldn't be. They like me ;)!!! I'm excited about going!
I'm excited. I know where the likely venue is to be and it is pretty cool. I think it is going to be a blast.
If it's still in the originally picked area (Cooperstown?) I can make that. It's a pretty short ride for me. (4 hours I think.)
@BRRABill said:
If it's still in the originally picked area (Cooperstown?) I can make that. It's a pretty short ride for me. (4 hours I think.)
No, that's not on the list anymore. Would be a great location, though. Nothing there big enough to hold the event at this point.
Rochester and Niagara Falls are the final short list.
Are you near the Amtrak line? The Rochester venues, which are far more numerous than the Niagara ones (the short list is a bunch of locations between the cities) are all right by the train station. Super easy way in and out for people living along the right corridors.
Bit further but still doable.
@scottalanmiller said:
Are you near the Amtrak line? The Rochester venues, which are far more numerous than the Niagara ones (the short list is a bunch of locations between the cities) are all right by the train station. Super easy way in and out for people living along the right corridors.
I live less than 5 minutes from the Trenton train station.