SSD vs Flash Drive
@scottalanmiller said:
From an end user standpoint, the terms completely overlap. Both terms are used in marketing, technical and casual non-technical speech to refer to all items regularly. High speed SATA drives are called both, SDs and USBs are called both, etc.
Huh, I've never heard a consumer call a memory stick (USB) a SSD drive or SSD stick.
@Dashrender said:
Huh, I've never heard a consumer call a memory stick (USB) a SSD drive or SSD stick.
I'm sure you do every day and don't realize it because you are not the one buying it. If you've ever read the spec sheet for a low end laptop, you would have seen it. It's incredibly common.
Here is an example... that "16GB SSD" is an SD card internally.
@scottalanmiller Huh - I did say I've never heard a consumer call it xyz. Though you're right that I haven't read the spec sheets on any low end electronics lately, and without reading a break down report I would have no clue that a Chromebook used SD cards instead of soldered on memory chips.
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller Huh - I did say I've never heard a consumer call it xyz.
I don't hear consumers use either term. They say "USB stick" or "SD card" or "USB drive." But the latter is rare because that overlaps confusingly with USB hard drives. I can't remember hearing a consumer use the term flash in years.
But more importantly, consumers allow themselves to be "talked to" using these terms. Called USB sticks SSDs is standard in consumer marketing and labeling.
@Dashrender said:
... without reading a break down report I would have no clue that a Chromebook used SD cards instead of soldered on memory chips.
You can solder on SD cards too.
So for a portable copy of Windows 7, a USB Enclosure with a 120GB SSD is a good choice?
@anonymous said:
So for a portable copy of Windows 7, a USB Enclosure with a 120GB SSD is a good choice?
Depends totally on your goals. You mean a SATA SSD with a separate USB adapter in an enclosure? That will work fine, of course. But it is hard to imagine a case where I would care much about drive speed in a case like that. Especially with such an old OS. I'd use a normal USB stick so that it all fits in my pocket.
What is your end goal here?
@scottalanmiller Poor Man's Windows To Go. Also used for a recovery environment, that why I am thinking 128GB. Should give me plenty of space to backup data to temporary.
@anonymous said:
@scottalanmiller Poor Man's Windows To Go. Also used for a recovery environment, that why I am thinking 128GB. Should give me plenty of space to backup data to temporary.
If it isn't a gaming machine or whatever, just use a USB stick. How often do you plan to be running this thing?
@scottalanmiller Everyday.
It just seemed appropriate after reading the thread.
Why not buy a USB 3.0 128 GIG memory stick? gives you everything you want in something that will fit in your watch pocket.
@anonymous said:
@scottalanmiller Everyday.
Weird, why? If you don't mind me asking.
And by everyday, do you mean like for a second or you actually want to run off of this?
Let's back up even more. What is it you are doing that is causing this need? Let's start at the goal. So far we are driving this discussion deep, deep into the proposed solution and it is very murky trying to help with a recommendation based on a starting point of comparing technology names.
Same technology, different usage and bottleneck. With USB 3.0 the bottleneck isn't USB but the fact that it's a single lower grade NAND chip. SSDs have multiple flash chips and provide greater speeds because of that (much like having more chips on RAM DIMMs).
Portable copy of Win 7 to be used every day. Does your Windows license cover that usage? Seriously, I'm not a licensing guru so I'm just asking the question just in case you haven't considered i the possible legal issues.
I had a rescue disk that had a stripped down version of XP that ran from a CD so I'm sure a USB drive would be sufficient as a once in a while rescue disk solution. Sure, USB 3.0 because why not.
@lhatsynot said:
Portable copy of Win 7 to be used every day. Does your Windows license cover that usage? Seriously, I'm not a licensing guru so I'm just asking the question just in case you haven't considered i the possible legal issues.
I believe that FPP allow that as long as he doesn't virtualize.
@lhatsynot I asked Microsoft about this, and they said technically I am using the licence that's already on the PC so no licence will be needed for the USB drive.
@anonymous said:
@lhatsynot I asked Microsoft about this, and they said technically I am using the licence that's already on the PC so no licence will be needed for the USB drive.
Ah, assuming that each machine has the rights to run the same level of Windows 7. That makes sense.
After researching this a bit more, it seems I will be using Windows 10 instead due to it being more up to date, and having much better driver support. Since this will be used on different computers, better driver support is huge!