If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@RoguePacket Welcome Sir seems everyone Went to sleep
@Joyfano Yeah, makes sense.
3 hour time difference for the east coast people, and 2 hours for those around Texas.
Erg, guess I'll need to sign off and hit my TCP/IP book—
I'm here for about another minute. Stop posting people! I'm too CDO to go to bed when I know there are notifications unread!!!
@RoguePacket aha yeah I don't like this If I'm sleeping all of you guys are alive and posting here.
But now I am here everyone gone -
@joyfano Sorry!
@ajstringham go back and sleep
@Joyfano Ok. I hate to leave you alone but I have to be up in 5 hours and I was up late last night too...lol
And we all know that A.J needs his beauty sleep or else he'll be cranky in the morning.
@Bud Lols does he really need that?
@ajstringham have a great night. I hope you can sleep well -
@Joyfano Thanks.
@Addie I'm Darrel from Makati, Philippnes
Hello Everyone!
@Bud said:
And we all know that A.J needs his beauty sleep or else he'll be cranky in the morning.
HEY! I resemble, err, I mean RESENT that statement!
Welcome @yasaf from Israel
@ajstringham Be careful, he might!
Why would I stalk Kelly when @psx_defector is so close? Wait...never mind...scratch that! -
Welcome @yasaf!
@dengelhardt, very valid point... -
I've been reading some of these posts - wow - we have a lot streaming in from SpiceWorks! and A.J. go to bed!
@Bob-Beatty Now?? OKAY!! I might get in trouble with @minion-queen but I'll tell her you told me to.
Did I see a PSX post????
@ajstringham gives @Bob-Beatty a confused look