Who is Eating Mangoes?
This is one of my Favorite
Now I find this: http://www.jimbeam.com/maple
One of my favorite snacks is dehydrated Mangos
Nice to hear Everyone Loves Mango
And it's my new avatar. I must go to Costco this weekend and get more!!!!
Mangoes are becoming increasingly popular.
@Chamele0n Me too, me too!
We have to get ours from Costco...(Costco is only a few years old in Aus, and not that close by. Mango is the one constant ALWAYS on the shopping list.)
@lillucia said:
@Chamele0n Me too, me too!
We have to get ours from Costco...(Costco is only a few years old in Aus, and not that close by. Mango is the one constant ALWAYS on the shopping list.)
A lot of the US doesn't have Costco yet either. It is a new store to me too.
Ok guys..bring us some mangoes
we have also that here ;
Dried mango -
This post is deleted! -
You live a blessed life
Eating salmon and roasted broccoli now.
@scottalanmiller said:
Eating salmon and roasted broccoli now.
I thought I read something about vegetarian?
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Eating salmon and roasted broccoli now.
I thought I read something about vegetarian?
Yes. Real vegetarian. Not vegan. Not one of those new hipster terms. Traditional vegetarian for hundreds of years has included fish, eggs and dairy.
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Eating salmon and roasted broccoli now.
I thought I read something about vegetarian?
Yes. Real vegetarian. Not vegan. Not one of those new hipster terms. Traditional vegetarian for hundreds of years has included fish, eggs and dairy.
OK I can understand allowing yourself to eat the byproducts of animals if the reason you're not eating meat is that you think it's cruel, so how does fish play into that?
If you're not eating meat (Bovine, pig, horse, chicken, etc) because of health reasons, that's another story. -
Fish traditionally were not considered animals. That's a recent taxonomic change by etymological standards. And they aren't classified as meat. Traditionally vegetarian meant not meat rather than vegetable.
I guess because fish have no memories. There is always a grey area, a line has to be drawn somewhere and self awareness seems to be a good spot. Plus all religions in the western world eat fish, none broadly eat "more" than fish.
If you skip fish, you become weird. You can't eat just anywhere. It's the difference between being casually careful about what you eat and not having to make a big deal of it or really even tell people versus being the person that everyone has to work around because they have no way to eat anywhere.
Lunch outside again finally.
@scottalanmiller We had a Mango Lassi over the weekend, made with yoghurt, mango puree, milk, and a little sugar. Does that count?